Friday, March 28, 2008


WATCH OUT! I'm walking here...

so, the day is winding down and we got the bosses truck almost finished, new brakes, rotors, drums, front calipers and a ball joint. serviced it and found a broken lift kit bolt, (my guy is working on that as we speak) I've got a cold beer sitting in front of me on my desk and that screaming fucking kid is having one of his calm moments while his mom sets up a birthday party for a friends infant.

do infants need birthday parties? or do we all just get together and drink because of it?

ahhhh, ice cold beer... sorry,what was i talking about again. i was just reading this and was wondering what is wrong with that sort of justice. they described the woman as being beaten, but when i followed a link to a video, she was just being slapped around alot... whose fault is it? the woman who took money to perform rituals to help someone with magic or the man who paid for it? further down in the small article they cite two other cases of mob justice.... as much as i don't agree with what happened to the women they started talking about i full on agree with what happened to the other two listed in the article... i dunno, i was born a couple hundred years too late...

back in the day, people didn't do alot of the crimes that are committed now and the ones that did were dealt with swiftly and "justly". hmmm... lets see, you murdered this whole family for fifty dollars in gold.... lets throw you in a pit and throw rocks at you... or drag you around with a horse or pull your guts out while you watch... i mean there were lots of terrible ways to die back then... and yeah, not everyone was guilty, but it sure makes you want to be good when you are facing those kinds of reprimands doesn't it? better population control...

i cant wait for Armageddon! bring it on. i think we need to clean the world of all its stupid people, perhaps lower the world population down to about a 100th of what it is now... then i bet we could have a world economy... let the world freeze over and kill off all the people who depend on someone else for their lively hood. let it burn and sweep the nations of the folks who don't know how to live off the land...

yeah I'm weird, but it makes so much more sense to me. we are over populating this planet with no intent on stopping and with every new generation we breed more and more stupid people. when is the last time anybody actually survived out on their own? where am i going with this tangent? i dunno. with all these fucking wars and politics and recycle programs and "green" speak, we have forgotten the basics of life...

my science teacher as a kid said something I'll never forget. "i don't give a shit about pollution, waste, overpopulation, etc... my children kids will be long dead before we see the end of this planet and its resources, who gives a shit?!" that's not verbatim, but that's what i took from it. and he is right, sort of, why should we care? we wont be around long enough to be affected by it. yeah yeah, gas prices and shit but really, that's not that big a deal. hmmm... to me movies like mad max and i am legend, along with all the other end of the world movies are inspiring.. bring it on.. world war four lets do it! we are already well on our way!!!


Anonymous said...

Hope you, cheese, and the girls have a sooper dooper weekend! WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! :-)))))))))


thank you! what a nice well wish!

Mr. Shife said...

First off congrats on the caption win. And I agree with you about your view on the world. I think Dave Atell said it best when we described the super tsnumai a few years ago as God's money shot. We do need a few more of these as bad as that sounds because we have not thinned the herd enough.

Cece said...

Yeah, I agree with this view more when I drive home in rush hour. Sometimes I wish I had a bazooka in the glove box. Although, it would have to be an awfully big glove box to hold a bazooka, but boy would it come in handy. I hope you get some quality reading done this weekend.

The Mistress said...

I did my bit by not reproducing.

Now give me a medal.

Anonymous said...

as far as infant's b=day parties go - i think it's just a way for the grandparents to one-up each other.

in some ways, i think that if we push the limits of GOD's patience too far, he'll push back, and that's not something we want.

i think hurricane katrina was a message that he's getting kinda pissed at the way people have been living.

Suzanne said...

This will be my shortest comment in blogger history. You're a f****** Republican?!

Leah said...

Oh, you cute lovable nihilist you! Wait...what happened to WWIII? I guess I was sleeping...


i'll commentsie backsie all at once.... as im wicked busy at werk. heh heh..

we need to thin the herd by using ceciles glove box bazooka, stop by mjs and indeed give her a reward for not reproducing, shove god from behind and speed things up a little bit, while fucking a republican, and looking cute all at the same time!!! uh world war three? arent we as a world all at war with someone now!? what we really need is some one to push the big red button!!!

thanks all for commenting, sorry to do a piss poor job of returning comments!!! all the bosses are back in action and i need to pretend to be hard at work!!! hope you all had a great weekend!!!