Wednesday, February 27, 2008

what to do about it?

this pic has been here too, but now it has me thinking.

so, perusing my picture archives on this here computer, i found this one. yeah its me. i got it when my mother committed suicide. on my way back from the memorial i stopped in Portland Oregon and stayed with a friend. we went out to tiger lily tattoo (that's the best i can do for a link) to get this done. the woman who did it was great. i went there because when i called around to see who was interested in doing the work, she was ecstatic about the reasoning behind it and said she loved doing letters.

it didn't take long and was the least painful of all the tattoos i have. but it brings me to the next potion of the story...

several years ago i started a back piece that i have not had any work done on in years. massive wings and angel running down the center of my back... this one was painful on and off. i fell asleep often during the wings and on the two occasions i went black and blue tattoo i had the same artist do the work. once she wore a complete cheer leaders uniform while working. funny lady, her name was cedar...

the angel i had done at pleasure point tattoo, sorry no links for them seem to exist. anyways... i wasn't real happy with how the final work was looking on the wings. but its there and that is how its gonna be. but i need to get it finished. its been on my mind. i also need to have some touch up work done above my back piece where it has my grandfathers last name across my shoulders. i never see it is part of the problem. impossible to miss for everyone else, but rarely visible to me... (if your lucky I'll get a pic and post it. i keep threatening to do that, wah for you.)
so in the coming weeks I'll be saving a few bucks for it... I'll be bitching about that later is what that means... and shopping for a new artist. lunch time is nearing an end.. i better get to work...
edit: twenty points for who can tell me where the quote on my arm came from.


Leah said...

Ben Franklin. I've always loved that quote. And I love the tattoo.


leah nails it... doesnt even hesitate.... twenty imaginary points! thanks for stopping by!

cher said...

i was going to guess Tupac haha.
i love that tatoo and i love what it means too.
sorry about your mom though. that is brutal. i'll have to make a mental note to not drop any mom jokes around here. although, i will probably forget and would appreciate your forgiveness in advance.


mom jokes are just fine... even suicide jokes are great... even in death there is laugh sometimes... no worries. and i'll take note that yer mental.

Cece said...

I've never fully understood body art, but I am starting to see, that for some people there is more to it than just a fad. I'm not that big on doing something just because everyone else is doing it. I have jumped off of a bridge once, though. Actually, I dove off it. The bridge was 10ft high, the water was 6 ft deep and at the time I was 5'7". I cracked my head open on a rock and almost drown. So that explains my mental dysfunction. I hit my head! ( in case my meaning of this comment has been lost. I love your reasons for tatooing. At least your quote, and I am assuming the Angle thing has a very deep meaning as well.) Oh shit, now I'm beginning to sound like Suzanne. I'm rambling, rambling, rambling. (I love you Aunt Suzie) I"m going to shut up now.

Suzanne said...

Aunt Suzie is a rambler?! How awful. That is what you all think. What if I shut up and went away? I think that is what I'll do. Bye~bye.


are you girls gonna play nice? hahahahaaaa.... cracked yer head? that cant be good?!?! suzanne, easy does it... no worries eh?

hnter1018 said...

I too am getting th eitch for some new ink. Want to get Julie Moon to do my work. $200/hr though. Want to get the kids portraits done

hnter1018 said...

I too am getting th eitch for some new ink. Want to get Julie Moon to do my work. $200/hr though. Want to get the kids portraits done

Anonymous said...

funny. i just made the appointment to see someone here aboot my tatty.... i can get it done some time in april. the store here has a pretty good rep so.... we'll see.. i cant wait to see your back finnished


yep, i remember after getting my first one, (homemade tattoo aside) how i used to show it off and call it my "first one" meaning that there were more to come!

Kay said...

I'm also gettin the itch for some new ink. Black and Blue looks like they do some pretty good work, might try them out when I man up to the needle.