Thursday, May 22, 2008


Okay so i know I've already beaten the pictures of me and cheese and the fucking bay to breakers race to death but i spent like two fucking hours the other night trying to get some photos off my lame blackberry. here you go...

this is a look up hill into some park were i was looking for some blue haired friends...can you spot any blue haired people?? it was nice that they had those costumes on, it made it super easy to find people in "the blue group".
so these are in no order apparently, but this is cheese in the taxi on the way to the hotel after sixteen hours of drinking. that's about how i saw it as well, damn that camera is good eh? there must be a drunk guy mode i inadvertently switched on.
in this picture we are prepping to yank/saw down this massive and rotting bay tree.
now its gone and we are bucking it up. this is a picture in the yard at my work... they got the saws stuck in the tree when they were cutting it down. although the tree was about four feet or so at the base, it only had about five inches of viable wood holding it up. it was a couple hundred feet tall!!
average emotion in the day of the life at the voices complex... enjoy...
shit, so we are back at the bay to breakers thing... this is a shot down one of the streets we walked on... i think there is about two miles you can visually see there... tens of thousands of people drinking and walking and pissing and drinking....
cheese with two young fellas who had stopped to make a phone call. this is near one of cheeses many pee spots... that's a little bit of information you couldn't live without eh?
this is a picture of some monkey business, i think he found a place for his banana... and that is Shelagh from get her a beer. a good friend of cheeses, they did some growing up together. she was our inspiration for going to this whole event! thanks sheshe!!!
this is she and me or is it me and she or zee and she, as long as she doesn't touch my wee wee, cheese and me will be free to pee pee.... what?
um, yeah one of the many ways to disguise a load of beer... lots of kegs in floats... yah so...

this is where we get our water for our property. yep just a solar motor belted to an Italian dual piston pump... its good water... they say when your water starts tasting sweet, you have a dead animal in your storage tank. isn't there a band called sweetwater... huh...
another average day here at the voices office...
cheese please!
fucking enough pictures already!!! sheeeshhh...
yeah anyway... that was that and it sure was a monumental moment when i got the stupid pictures off my phone, but now that i see them in all there shining glory I'm not so impressed... huh... anyway... hopefully in the future i can post some actual artwork of mine up here and not lame phone pictures... enjoy the day, we are that much closer to Friday and the long weekend!!!


Anonymous said...

Whoa. Was I that drunk?


oh yeah... that was even twards the begining of the "race"... so much fun! thank you again for inviting us up!

Anonymous said...

It was radical. We should do this again... mainly because I'm in LOVE with my blue afro. I'm thinking I might wear it to the global health conference I have to present at this weekend in Canada. The Canadians are always drunk, right? They'll appreciate my blaspheming, pissing-in-public, double-fisting, monkey-banana-storing ways, right?

Anonymous said...

Also, I am shamelessy procrastinating right now because I just finished writing a TWENY MILLION dollar fucking grant. I feel important. Can you stoke my ego and tell me you're proud of me? Or at least drink a beer for me?

The Mistress said...

Blue hair?

Were you practicing to be pensioners?

The Mistress said...

Hey, is your hair red?

If so, I'm laughing so hard I'm gonna need one of Cheese's pee places.

You'll see why on Filthy Friday.

oakland heidi said...

i usually get pictures off of my phone by sending them like a text message, but to my email address...

Anonymous said...

These are great!! Looks like serious fun!