Friday, February 29, 2008
not for soft eyes...

everyone around here is already talking about Easter... did we not just have a holiday with chocolate and money wasting? sick of it already... they opened up this Costco size bag of candy in here with Easter candy!!! WTF? no one is talking about the leap year! this day happens once every what four years! why don't we open up a Costco size bag of beer and get drunk! why the fuck do we celebrate a religious holiday by moving it around the calender every year and eat more shit chocolate? "its for the kids..." fuck you! every day of the year is for the kids, our lives revolve around finding things to keep children stimulated... what does Easter have to do with any of it...
now don't get me wrong.
we had an awesome time last Easter... this year should be fun as well! but that was ON EASTER. not three weeks before. anyway, now they are yelling something about work. i yelled back some about wheres the fucking beer... better go see what the commotion is... cheers y'all!
Thursday, February 28, 2008
those were the days....
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
i said no to the urinal, how about a vagina couch!!!

what to do about it?
so, perusing my picture archives on this here computer, i found this one. yeah its me. i got it when my mother committed suicide. on my way back from the memorial i stopped in Portland Oregon and stayed with a friend. we went out to tiger lily tattoo (that's the best i can do for a link) to get this done. the woman who did it was great. i went there because when i called around to see who was interested in doing the work, she was ecstatic about the reasoning behind it and said she loved doing letters.
it didn't take long and was the least painful of all the tattoos i have. but it brings me to the next potion of the story...
several years ago i started a back piece that i have not had any work done on in years. massive wings and angel running down the center of my back... this one was painful on and off. i fell asleep often during the wings and on the two occasions i went black and blue tattoo i had the same artist do the work. once she wore a complete cheer leaders uniform while working. funny lady, her name was cedar...

in the office

Tuesday, February 26, 2008
new reader exploitation

last night
so after getting off work last night i went to town to meet up with cheese and denim for a few drinks at the Rio grill. our buddy was working and we scored a couple of drinks. talked about the day and weird Internet chic for a couple of hours... had some to go shots of Yeager and went next door to Safeway for grocery shopping!
drunken grocery shopping is the bomb! i grabbed some items to throw in the top shelf of the cart and grabbed my self some malt liquor/energy drinks and popped one open. it took us about an hour and a half to make our way through the store. sneaking sips on the beer along the way. its a brand new store and has everything you could need except for packaged pig faces as seen here in nations post of her grocery store.
anyway, after wandering around and gathering up our goods, we checked out in the fifteen items or less aisle. three hundred and forty dollars later, the checker asks the bagger if she smells Bacardi. as she rings through the empty sparks beverage. we all laugh and finally make our way to the parking lot.
get home and crack open a few more cold ones and cheese reads to me the warm comments from you all and i decide i want to call Kay! I'm so glad we did!
she is fucking awesome! beyond awesome.... fucking cool. I've never called a friend I've met online before and have been nervous ever since she gave me her number saying i should give her a buzz. felt guilty with all the non stop port jokes i left on her machine when i had called the first time(she was on the other line when i had called minutes before, can you believe the nerve?!?! and talking to her mom, no less.) and we chatted away for a while, passed the phone over to cheese and they chatted too! (nice going on the words of wisdom at the end babe... hopefully Kay wont be kicking your ass when we meet up for that one...)
i couldn't hardly go to sleep and we talked about the phone call until we passed out. Kay fucking rocks and we will be drinking some cold ones soon. I'm still buzzing from our conversation last night... big smile on my face...
moral of the story, life is only as much as fun as you make it... oh and picture credit goes here.
Monday, February 25, 2008
for those of you with a different taste

you didn't hear it from me, but you do have to read this guy... if you like food, wine, travel, politics and occasional stories about random locals, this guy is your man. i wont pimp him too much, but go there if you like food and wine. he is a chef and travel connoisseur. Spain is his favorite place and its generally a safe site to peruse. his last post is more than just fun to read... and if you do comment, you didn't get there from here. the voices gets no credit.. heh heh.
edited version of earlier post
cheese and i went to bed last night with some heavy heads... we are working out this issue that has something to do with her children's potential safety. I'm not sure what i can comfortably talk about, but its really bothering the fucking hell out of me.
its also brought out some odd feelings for me. these aren't my kids, but guess what... when they are around me and we are out, don't be looking sideways at my kids! don't be fucking weirding out around them, near them, whatever... I'll take you the fuck down and have you laying face down in a deep hole before your pants hit yer ankles. don't be some freaky pedo around me. that goes for when I'm not around too. remember these words... FACE DOWN, DEEP HOLE, NO MORE OXYGEN FOR YOU...
now I'm not some over protective dude either..." jump on yer dirt bike! beat it! why don't you hike down to the creek? go to the neighbors house if your bored." (i got over-ruled on that one.) "why don't you build a tree house or something, you know where the power tools are! take the dogs on a walk."
whatever... but whats with people making me feel all protective, enough so that its pissing me off. I'm losing sleep on this shit.... perhaps I'll get the clear from the cheese and can talk about it some more... my bad, really vague, sorry. just needing to vent a little bit this morning... U.P.S. just showed up with my parts and i need to get this anger out on the volumetric batch plants auger hydraulic drive assembly.
nations dropped this picture
so i think nations dropped this picture out of her purse., after she ran out of my comment box the other day. she had a great post of some family activities (complete friction) but its a fun post. happy Monday all, need to get some work done this morning... so I'll just pimp out a fellow bloggers work instead. I'll be back though, just fair warning to you....
Friday, February 22, 2008
not a dirty animal thingy
so we have two male dogs at home, that spend anywhere from eight to ten hours a day hanging out with only each other. they are gay and that's fine with me, its not like they really have a choice. kind of a last two dogs on the planet type thing. they wrestle and play like any other dog would do. they sleep in the same dog bed most of the time(even though we have two).
when beau impaled himself last month, charlie was licking the bloody wound and vice versa. it wasn't until last month that we noticed our boys had decided to take it to the next level. when right in the middle of a movie and in front of the t.v. they started their little show!
"WTF? dogs outta here! what the hell is that? did you see that? what where they doing?"
like we didn't know, and so now and again when they put on this little act/show for us and we boot them out side to finish their, um business.
i guess if i were to have my nuts chopped off and be locked in the house all day with my buddy and didn't really have any other human contact.....
another rainy day, another day of directing helpers to jobs and the like. another day of sitting in my office waiting the end of the shift. waiting for the ups driver to bring me parts. aaahh, the life... while everyone else is putting rain gear on and wiping off backhoe seats, i stand and watch from the "shipping room" with yet another cup of construction office style coffee.
the weekend is coming up and we have another wind storm moving in. we need some netflix to arrive so i don't have to watch fly away home or Mary Poppins again. yeah poor me eh? a nice weekend off. sitting by the fire and relaxing. playing scrabble and sleeping in late. i have a feeling I'll be leaving early today. real early...
people are talking generators and tarps, getting sand and gravel for roads and driveways. hunkering down for the large storm . suppose I'll bring home some gravel and hit up some of caverns in our driveway. the quad needs to be tarped and the chickens will need to be squished into their coop. ahhh, all the plants we put in will get a nice soaking and hopefully with all this rain they wont get a frost. this years garden will be three times the size as last years...
this is turning out to be a lame post, putting people to sleep i bet. so no need to wake up folks, now that i have lulled you all into a dreamy bliss... sweet morning...
Thursday, February 21, 2008
see if anyone notices
um, yeah... hell yeah!!

its not friday?
after leaving work a little early yesterday, i made my way home and enjoyed the view along the coast. got home and realized i hadn't had my normal road soda, so i popped open a beer and started to set up for some wood splitting.
"damn, i sucked all the gas out of the wood splitter for cheeses daughters mini-bike. there goes that idea."
settled into some gardening and tubed up some seeds that i had been germinating. got the fire started and cracked open another beer. cheese rolled up, unloaded some groceries and plants that she picked up at the nursery in town. moved plants around in our greenhouse to accommodate the new arrivals and checked on the chickens. 16 eggs, uggh.
we have so many eggs and no crates for them... whatever. farted around in the yard some more and saw our neighbor come home. arranged for her to come down for drinks when she got settled in. stoked the fire and listened to our phone messages. cheeses mom is going to come up this evening and spend the night with us, then take care of the girls tomorrow while we are at school/work. sweet! better remember to pick up some wine. fuck if i can remember if she likes red or white.
i have a nice selection of both at home, but when these ladies get into their second and third bottle, i don't think they notice if its a forty dollar bottle or fourteen dollar bottle. i'll pick up acouple bottles of pinot gri and some merlot just in case.
neighbor rolls in and we chat about how her boyfriend just got the contract with the sheriffs department to fly around and look for marijuana growers. (those pesky dopers, eh?) settle in with a few mixed cocktails. cheese busted out a concoction of pineapple/orange vodkas with a hint of roses lime juice on the rocks. i stuck with the coors light. we went back and forth about how things were going and how she would like to live in town next to the coast or out in carmel valley somewhere. her property in mexico is having troubles with "those damn jews next door". funny how things pop up like that. never would have pegged her for such a racialy aware type person. huh.
i finally ask her about the property...
"so, what are you thinking about asking for land?"
"well, i talked with hillary about listing it and what he thought it might be worth... i was going to ask for seven fifty, and take seven. depending on the terms."
somewhere in there i snorkeled half my beer up into my nose and snorted it back down so i didn't blow it all over the coffee table.
"wow! well... that's more than i thought." my face must have looked hysterical!
"the property has a plumbed water system and foundations for a house. i'm just tired of camping and my boyfriend likes his creature comforts.... blah, blah, blah.."
we chat some more about the land, our other neighbors, dogs and our road. we discussed how she would have to carry the loan(due to the fact that it is only land, all the buildings and roads on it are illegal. the banks would never loan three quarters of a million dollars for unimproved land right now.) and how she'd expect at least a hundred thousand for a down. she looks at me and says....
"doesn't your dad have money? perhaps..." she trails off when i shake my head and offer her no way to continue. (hey dad! got a hundred thousand or so laying around? ahahahahahaaa!) and cheeses family is land rich, money poor as they say here in the Sur. so we finish up our drinks and go out side to watch the fog cover up the last full lunar eclipse until 2010. and then i throw out the last whack....
"so let us know if you change your mind and want to come down to about a third of your asking price, we could maybe scratch up ten percent of that for the down and afford about fifteen hundred a month with four percent."
she laughs. i laugh... knowing full well why she thinks her land is so valuable... cheese and i return to the warmth of our house and talk about what just went down and i make us some breakfast quesadillas for dinner.(we have a lot of eggs, remember?)

Wednesday, February 20, 2008
if nothing else

later on that day...
Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Monday, February 18, 2008

super busy!!!

happy monday all! i've got two helpers in the yard this morning who are proving themselves worthless in the truck cleaning business. okay yer eighteen and never properly waxed a vehicle before, i'll buy that. but i know you are not a complete idiot and "wax on, wax off" is the real deal... yah yah, you dont whack on or whack off... sure... me either...
get to work, it puts the wax on, waits.... then it takes the wax off... buff, rub, dont touch your nub... ten bucks an hour. thats what i started at when i first came here. and i turned a wrench, not pressure washed a truck. jeeze... times have changed. i used to walk twelve miles to school in the snow....
*eyes glass over and speech trails off*
Saturday, February 16, 2008
so.... im all confused....
if zack were to pay one thousand five hundred dollars a month on parcel of land, how many months would it take to pay a quarter of a million dollars off?
i live in a one point two million dollar house now. with ten acres of land, and i just had the mostfuckingrandom phone call from my neighbor when i got home today from fixing cheeses car, saying she is putting her property on the market soon and would like to offer it to me first.
she would have to carry the loan...
how much is property tax in california?
i cant hardly pay a phone bill on time, would she want on time payments?
my landlord never gets his money on time.
is two hundred and fifty thousand dollars a lot of money?
i think that works out to thirteen years or so.
whats a good intrest rate?
five percent?
oh, i was in the grocery store on friday and worked out a deal with my old ex park ranger friend.... i'm getting a free dirt bike!
ten percent?
now how does intrest work?
is it ten percent of the value?
ten percent of the time it takes to pay off the loan?
why is my other neighbor think that he is in on the deal?
it has water.
and mad views.
i'm missing out on a blow job/sex/snuggling fot this post.
im not very sleepy.
i just opened another beer.
got some of it on the keyboard.
im so confused.
here in big sur, thats not a lot of money.
i made over sixty five thousand dollars last year.
thats what the i.r.s. thinks.
thats not a lot of money either.
i'm going to have another marlboro.
doesnt that sound good?
my head is pounding.
my dogs snore as load as i do.
cheeses girls talk in their sleep.
do i really want to buy property?
i could never leave then.
what if i die? then what?
i dont have any money.
i dont even have a cell phone in my name.
thats another problem in my life.
if cheese and i were to buy a piece of property together, she would have to get divo--- first.
did i say that?
hey cheese, do you mind if i say that.
ooooh, cheese got bent that i joked about her not having dinner on the plate the other night.
it was a comment reply.
i wasnt being an asshole.
first time ever.
it was a joke.
it was a poem as well.
i wasnt home when she got bent and she forgot all about it.
i had to remind her that she was bent.
i am an also an idiot.
what to think about this new devolopement???
alls i wanted was an H2.
well, i guess i might be able to get a hummer if i go upstairs.
yeah, i'll start there.
wish me luck!
good night.
Friday, February 15, 2008
shit that is pissing me off today
i'm so pissed about this shit. oh boo hoo, lets feel bad for this guy, he stopped taking his meds, he was a nice boy, smart and attentive... i wanna fucking strangle these people who feel bad for this mother fucker! ARRGGH!!!
when are students going to be able to protect themselves on campus. when are the responsible gun owners in this country going to be allowed to truly feel safe when and where they want to? i think that the school did everything in their power to keep these students safe and watched over. everything they did was by the book.
what if another student in the class happened to have a firearm on his/her person? what if they stood up and gunned the gunman down before he shot all twenty some odd people. perhaps after only shooting ten? would that student be hailed as a hero or slandered for some kind of vigilante.what if there were several armed students in the class room that took him down before he even fired a shot? expelled from school for having weapons on campus? would it have just brought down a different kind of fire fight? perhaps only students that were firing back would have been targets, perhaps the fucking moron might have thought twice about shooting into a crowd of potentially armed people as opposed to shooting at a bunch of helpless bodies.
yeah yeah, how do we regulate that. what would really happen if students walked around armed on campus.
we have air marshals now on every plane that flies in america. sometimes more than one. should we not have classroom marshals in every other class room. perhaps the regents on these school grounds could take a pay cut and pension adjustment to compensate for these new expenditures? have you seen most of the security personal in our college systems these days?
i remember my college days and i could have out run the lot of them on crutches and not even spill my beer.
why have guns in your home? when, if the intruder is proven to be pointed in the leaving your home direction you could be liable for murder!?!?!? or in california if some asshole toting your dvd player out your newly broken window cuts himself, he can successfully sue?
WTF?and students cant carry firearms on campus? or in their dorm rooms or in their cars... i'd tell you where and how many guns i carry, but I'm sure I'm not allowed to do that. you might think me paranoid, but if you cant be safe in a classroom, where the fuck is a safe place to be/live/eat/learn/shop/have sex/play in the park...
this fucker is dammed lucky he took his own life, if there is anybody else like me in the world and perhaps in that classroom, he would have suffered a longer lasting more painful death....

thank you nations for the link this morning. at first i wasnt sure what you were talking about. then i figured you must have recieved this as a book. after going through all the photos i'm truely envious. what a nice gift. looks like a great and emotional challenge for the "models" pohotographed. awesome!!! and i agree with you. romance is alive and well.
anyway to give proper credit and link-a-tude go here.
happy friday fuckers!!!
Thursday, February 14, 2008
is it over yet?
just so yall don't think I'm a total schmuck and bah-humbugger on every fucking holiday this world tries to make its inhabitants follow... I've written a small thing for the cheese in my life. ahem...
cheese oh please oh please oh please
wear the socks that go above the knees
i spent the day learning bout birds and bees
so I'm ready to put your mind at ease
the best five minutes you'll ever get
maybe six but i wouldn't bet
just enough to get you wet
i'll be sure to finish don't you fret
see you at home with my pants down low
definetly five if we go real slow
turn on the cam for the late night show
i am all about the love don't you know
so i'll be home soon i hope you can wait
or you have just enough time to masturbate
i hope you will be my long lasting mate
and dinner will hopefully be on the plate
happy thursday and all that shit
i expect when i get home i'll get hit
what else could you want a poem with wit
see what I've done a hole I've dug a deep dark pit
oh is that today?

so its that time of year again when people start complaining if they are single and people start acting like retards if they are not. whats with that. ive already read a bunch of posts today to the subject so i wont belabor here... but get a grip people....
its thursday. hopefully yer partners have taken well enough care of you THROUGH OUT the year that you dont have to waste money on flowers that die and chocolates that taste like shit. crap you wouldnt normaly eat, only today you might cause it came in a box shaped like....
any way i thought i'd post this picture for those of you who might not be getting their (insert funny line about picture above here).
enjoy your thursday!
what day is it?

Wednesday, February 13, 2008
so i found it!
i'll give him a proper link cause i have never done it before. on my album cover a post below this one, i found in the right hand cormer some letters. dont know what they mean, but when i typed them into the googley searching thingamabob i got here! i guess this guy takes photos and shit for nine inch nails. he has a cool web site and hope he is not pissed that i stole his pic from filickr and turned into my album cover for my new band ladyville. (which if you have ever been to big sur you know its not.) so here you go rob sheridan, i pimped your web page on my blog. fucker, now give me some money. i'm sure you will be having mad traffic now. hahahahahahahhahaaa.....
oh, and he is a blogger. which he does here.
update: so i checked out his blog and he has some really fucking cool shit on there. worth looking at. but dont like it too much, actually don't look at, it's pretty lame. weak. dont go there, i warned you.
just when you think you cant drink anymore
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
damn you cher
cher has this little thing on her page right now that seemed sort of fun... try it. here are the results for me...
this is my album cover, my band name, and the name of the album...
unfortunatly i tried to go back to the where the picture came from to give its creator props and a link but it just goes fucking random on you... so again, its not one of my photos...
well thats it.
Monday, February 11, 2008

Friday, February 08, 2008
well at some point today it might feel like friday

cheese and i occasionally read the blogs together. i try and get her to read things out loud, why i dunno. perhaps i wasn't read enough books to as a child, perhaps i cant really read and am tired of looking at everyone's pictures and funny looking scribbles underneath them, or may be its because she sounds like one of those voices on "books on tape". you know the ones that make everything sound interesting and fun. whatever it is, beware people are reading your blogs out loud to each other...
its friday, we had a huge problem in the yard already this morning and I'm having to make a zillion phone calls to not only get something warrantied, but to get them to drive down from ball sac-ramento to fix it. try that one out. ever try and get something fixed on a warranty? okay, now add on the "fix it now you mother fucker!" conversation part i use and see where that goes...
actually it is going quite smooth. remember way back, when i was complaining about this engine i was having built? well now its unloading diesel into the oil pan. lame, disastrous if you will. so i started with the company executive, at the branch that fucked us in the first place. then moved on to the lying sack of shit who fucked us next. then i called the branch that finished building the engine and talked to the mechanic that did it, the engine foreman who scheduled it, the guy i paid $19, 960.09 to give it back to me, and finally talked to the branch manager.
i received a phone call within minutes of getting off the phone from sac-o-shit guy. he doesn't have any body to come down till may be next week, but not likely to happen untill the following week. i gave him the "you need to fix it now mother fucker speech" and called his district manager to discuss that conversation with him. moments later i receive a call from the people who finished building our engine and they have some one who can come down on tuesday.
"thanks, that's better, but..."
i got off the phone with him and called the branch manager at his location again and discussed with him his options, i had a phone number of the B.B.B. in hand and came up with a fictional contact that i had there.
"since your branch is the only one operating in northern california that doesn't have its service staff still on strike i would hate to tarnish what have worked so hard to achieve. the company you represent fucked us. you know it, i know it and now you have to do everything you can do in your power to help us. i will not go away. i am not afraid of driving up there and sitting in your office. i would rather do this over the phone. "
"yes sir, hold on..."
we talked about what the engine is doing, what i think it might be and some options of repair. my warrantee extension on the new work and i even threw in the idea of a free rental of a concrete truck while we wait. (i'm a fucking bastard.) meanwhile i had his other branches leaving messages for me to "call back immediately" and "please only deal with our location" and "we are doing the best we can" etc. etc...
as i am typing this i am getting another call. we will see and i'll try to update you as the day progresses. (like anybody reads this shit, this far into the post. you all are just here for the smutty pictures huh?)
well i hope you all have a fucking awesome weekend and "throw your potato salad in the air!!!"

Thursday, February 07, 2008
is it friday yet?

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

this week has been tough to get a post out.... ive have some of the higher ups out in the yard helping me with a major project. we are replacing all the hydraulic ram packing on an older one of these. fairly painful project. new back flow valves, hoses, nipples, fittings, bolts, nuts and the like... time consuming and everything has to be done right the first time... had to custum weld some of the rams up with "bumpers" because the wear pins are getting sloppy as well.
what does all this mean. well, the "higher upper helpers" are getting a taste of what i do all day when im not fucking off on the company dime... like this.(which i stole from shife, or beast or someone elses site.) but its been real nice to have some decent thinkers out in the yard, under a piece of equipment with me...
yeah all that story just to say why there hasnt been shit for profundity here lately... lookie there, i used the words shit and profundity in the same sentence. my english teachers would be proud...
other than that not much else is new. cheese and i went on a plant liberation mission the other day! how fun is that? sneaking up on to abandoned private property with beautiful flowers and digging them up for our own house!!! a third of the back of my truck was full.
we have a gray water system at our house that never really watered anything, so cheese started a large flower bed to help with all the water. we grabbed a bunch of cali-lillys, (how the fuck do you spell that?) they seem like they will soak up a bunch of that water, narsisis and some other bulbing varieties i cant spell or remember the names of.
i love that shit. i used to be quite the thief in my younger days, so when i get a chance to do a little liberating its a memorable rush. we have so many properties here in the sur that are owned by people who never stay there. their gardens are overgrown and mistreated. if they survive at all. so a "thinning" of their uncared for plants doesnt seem like a harmful thing?!? no/yes?
anyway, that was my lunch break and instead of eating i had a red bull.
and spell check still doesnt seem to be working for me...

Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Monday, February 04, 2008

i had this thought this weekend but i seem to have forgotten it.
just trying to remember what the hell it was is hurting my head. fuck the patriots. when ever things seem to be going good wham. fuck the patriots. what the hell was i thinking was so damn cool i wanted to post about it??? anybody have any ideas?
i could tell you all that a friend of mine went to get a price quote on some repair work done to her car. i told her "dont pay more then forty dollars for that work". (she needed to have two studs replaced on her front hub, you know the bolts that hold the tire on?!?) she calls me a couple hours later and says "they want to charge me two hundred dollars. thats after the discount." wtf? so i did the repair while people watched. took less time to remove and replace the studs than it took buddy to put the spare tire back in its underthebedofthetruck storage place...
i could tell you about all that, but that would be boring and probubly piss me off talking about it!
i could tell you about the birthday party for mini cheese we had at river inn this sunday. how it turned out to be a fun party for all! even though the weather was crazy and we had to stay inside. we were loud and had kids running all around wearing funny glasses and neon glowing necklaces and party hats and plastic floweres, blowing various types of noise makers, swinging around slinkys and popping baloons... we apologized to our waitress, (a friend of ours) for the noise and asked if we had tipped her well enough. we were basically her only table and left more than eighty bucks in tip. on a seventy dollar tab i think thats pretty good. we brought our own cake and everyone really enjoyed it, picked up all our own garbage and stayed later for a couple of adult beers...
i could tell you about all that, but no... that would bore you all as well.
i could tell you that the coffee here this morning tastes like it was brewed down the crack of someone ass, but no... that might be in poor taste... get it "poor taste"?
or the fact that more than half of our employees are out sick this morning... hmmm... i saw most of their cars at the bar last night on our way home... sick... at least call in hung over... pussies. i could tell you about all that but who cares right?
what the fuck was i wanting to post about today? fuck! it was great! inspiring and funny.... fuck it... its monday and i feel good, just thought id rub that one in a little bit as well .