Wednesday, February 27, 2008

i said no to the urinal, how about a vagina couch!!!

this is just for cher. as seen here! i didn't want bbc to be perving out here again so i can't post the vagina urinal.... hope this works for you!


cher said...

wow...i am all caught up. and it only took me what? all day?

Suzanne said...
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Suzanne said...
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Suzanne said...
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BBC said...
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Suzanne said...
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BBC said...
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Recycled Cha0s said...

no. freaking. way.

must have one now.

Cece said...

Damn, I hate deleted comments, it just leaves me so curious. Today is my last day at my current job. They just threw me a big party, so with a full belly, I'm searching for a couch to curl up on and take a nap. I'm afraid yours might give me nightmares, but I'll give it a try. (At least once;0) LOL
I'm joking BTW. No really, I am. Whatever!

Suzanne said...

Thank you sweetie.

Mr. Shife said...

Is this part of the Pink Taco collection?

Kay said...

OMG, that's so not ok...

Seriously, who buys such things?


cha0s! i thought it was a cool idea!

cecile, swallowed up by a large vagina might give anyone nightmares!

suzanne, no worries!

mr.shife, i think it was an experiment of ikeas. try to reach a new market of sorts!

kay! but it could go in almost anyones front salon! hahahahaaa...

thank you all for the comments!

cher said...

um, you're welcome?
i'm leaving the room now...with my shoulders slumped...


sorry cher, you were way on the other side of all the deletes... all by yourself! but glad you caught up and no i didnt see the show... sorry dont watch t.v. its beneath me! hahahahhaaa... have a great weekend.

cher said...

well, i rented the seasons smart ass. i don't have cable. you and your smugness have a good weekend too!