"she hit a vein"
thats some funny ass shit. i dont want to beat a dead horse here, but over in comment land in the post underneath this one, there was an ever so one sided brief disscusion on the compatibility of the two colors red and black. any body else have some input? thoughts. suzanne says hell no. i say fuck yah! and denims response might go something like this WTF LADY? i tend not to be so offensive, i understand we all have different tastes. so give me your thoughts on the colors.
thank you denim for the constructivism pics!
hehehe, i wasn't trying to be mean, sometimes it just comes out that way. but in the end, to each his own, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, blah blah blah
how do you think i get all the hot chics? heh. yeah... um, hi cheese! number one hot chic.
Ah gotta love Suzanne. Underneath that sweeter than sugar facade is the mouth of a sailor. Yes, she does have a potty mouth, so don't let her fool ya. Well, For the most part, I can read the red on black, but when the letters are smaller, like on the comment link, it is hard to see. But Black and Red were our school colors in high school, so of course I think they are cool. And in paintings and stuff, they are awsome. BTW, sweet bike. Have a good one.
Looks good to me, but my idea of good color combinations are based on football team uniforms so I am probably just a functioning retard in this color conversation. It is your world we are just blogging in it.
You're killin' me!!! You know that. And Cecile, don't be encouraging him to treat me like a sailor. I do have Potty Mouth Syndrome (PMS), but I don't like to advertise. However, I'll tell you a funny story. Cecile called me and we chatted for a long time before I got so sick I thought I would die. She has the voice of an angel. Actually, she sounds like a little girl. It's the most darling voice on the planet. I love it. We chatted about her voice and laughed a lot. Towards the end of the conversation I asked her, "Any observations about me?" She replied "Yeah, you swear a lot!" Hummmmmmmm. That's it?! That's my crowning glory? At first I felt a bit hurt, but I laughed the next day when I read her post or a comment she'd written and she swore like a sailor too! Perfection. I didn't feel so bad after all. She ain't a saint either! Don't let those beautiful eyes fool you.
And honey, I would hope your friends never refer to me as "WTF LADY." Give me a little respect. Damnit.
Okay, red and black. Like Cecile, our high school colors had red and black. It's fine in certain situation, but when you're trying to read the crap, do you see how your eyes play tricks? To calm the waters I'll overlook how offended my eyes are. Okay!? I'll still stop by and read your rants, but know I'll silently be protesting. No, of course I'm not kidding.
Welding. I haven't in years, probably forget how. However, I do remember to ground so I don't get "blowed up!" If you didn't wear protection you deserve being blind in the dark. Were you nuts?
I just went to the kitchen to get something to drink. It's been raining all day and continues tonight. A motorcycle went by and I had to laugh because I thought of you. Motorycyle, rain, that can't be pleasant. Good luck with that honey!
Sleep tight. I'll be back to bug you at some later date.
XO Suzanne
Well...I've never really seen a "motorycycle," but I hear they exist.
Hey there! I missed you on blog today! WTF....(mimicing Suzanne..lol) so another sailor on this cruise. :)
Ok..INner what's up...how did you end up with the bike for free? I gotta hear that story for sure!
Talk to you later!
you want eyestrain, try black and purple. oh, thats a killer.
Hey! mr. shife's here! could your blog get any better?
red and black go good. infact, red goes with anything. it's actually the new black, so, really it's black and black and what goes better with black than black?
ok, i have no idea what i'm talking about. but i did just do some catching up on your blog, and then started looking at boobies... lots of boobies. all kinds of boobies... and got distracted and then realized i wasn't even on your blog anymore and well, now i'm just taking a minute to regroup.
ok! so, sweet bike. don't upgrade it. get it running. be thankful instead of a total ass... you ass.
if anything, trade up the dog.
the whole property thing is stressful stuff. In a matter of 6 weeks, we have gone from buying and selling our house to not to definately, then maybe, then not. then absolutely, lets list it, spend weeks looking for other houses and now back to not. ya. pretty sure. we are not going to sell our house. today. but it is cool that it has water, so whatever really.
the wax on wax off bit was great. i love that you turned wrenches too. i guess even just that you said you turned wrenches. i love that expression. its sexy.
man you get the BEST photos for your blog.
i had no idea there had been another campus shooting. man i should have gone to school. i missed out on everything skipping out i think.
Wow...Robyn's here too? Good Lord! Everyone's been here but me. Why didn't they tell me? Perhaps because they didn't want me here. Hummmmmm. That's a thought. Well, too bad, I'm here now and I'll admit, I'm happy to be another sailor on this cruise. I'm staying.
Firstnations, that's just cruel. Now try this. My friend from Australia had her text in purple and red for Chinese New Year. I couldn't even read that damn thing. My eyeballs just started going nutty. I told her she had to change it or I wouldn't be back. She didn't, but what she did do is write and addendum to the original text in more normal colors so I could read why her blog was in purple and red! Too funny.
Talk to you soon.
XO Suzanne
Don't trade up the dog. The dog's just fine.
holy crap, i step out of the voices office for a minute and i have a comment folder full of love!!! err... people not hating me, hows that?
cecile! black and red just work for me, i never was really into school so i couldnt tell you what the colors were, except every time i was escorted off campass there were blue and red light flashing! so if you vouch for suzzane...
mr. shife! welcome back!!! thanks for the props and color support. i also like skulls and stuff full of death and distruction, but didnt want people to think i was crazy too! ive been over to your place just need to comment... my bad.
suzanne. yer back i see, and often... yer addicted. very cool! was lurking over in your field of flowers dream and saw you in black... hmmm... red and black, funny! thank you for all the kind thoughts and comments.
robyn... i'll write a post about the bike, but real quick it was a friend of mines, he has about seven or eight other motorcycles in his garage/workshop. two he bought this year, he was looking for the right sucker, err friend to unload it on... it needs work. he did some odd modifications to the head and perhaps was too imbarrassed to sell that way. i can can get it running i'll keep it for a while. if i have to spend too much damn money on fixing it, i'll trade it in... yes im an ass like that.
nations!!! black and purple... makes me want to change my layout here. i liked the black and red evil looking page. ooohhh... im eeeeeeeviillll....
cher!!! yer back! wow, what a breath of air... hahahahaha... im glad we are on the same red/black end of the stick. and i do try to spice things up with the photos i lay out on here. that one with the boobies was from nations! i love that pic i poached from the site and it looks like a cool project the photographer had going on! property, uuggh. its the shits right now in california, i dont know why i would want to get into that mess now, except if everything was right. we will see. drinking with the seller this evening! and water is a big issue up on the mountain. we are six miles or so from the highway and at 2600 feet above sea level. so property with water rights is key. not too long ago i was ranting about one of my neighbors stealing it for a summer. chapped my ass that did.
anyways thanks to all for all the comments! its been a buzzzzy day at werk today and i'll se if i cant crank out a post. im in a good mood so that might be difficult!
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