Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Friday, May 23, 2008
whats with that?

when i have found a new blog i like, i lurk. i come out of the closet and make comment that pertain to the postings... i don't try to fit in right away and definitely don't take liberties not given to me. i wouldn't walk into the barbershop in l.a. and say "yo, wot up nigger?!?! lay me some skin and hook up the fade.." that would seem a bit out of place, no? but if it were a place id been going to for a long time and perhaps spoke/saw/interacted with the owners of said barber shop outside of that environment i might feel a little better about busting out some lingo like that...
chubby little yipster wrote a great post about it not too long ago as well. "Don't Act Like A Dick" is what she said. why is that so hard to understand...
the Internet is a powerful tool as well as a nice way to relieve stress/meet people/sell shit/look at funny pictures, etc...etc... so don't fuck with me or anyone i know... i can find out more information about you, where you work, who you aren't fucking, what you drive, why you got fired from your last job, your social security number (I'm not shitting you, if you have ever signed a government paper before 1989, there is a copy of it online with your information available in an archive and i can find it for under $5.99) where you park your piece of shit car at night and who your neighbors are before you can read far enough into my archives and find out that i live in big sur, california.
so people out there who think they are acting cool, chances are your being shallow and lame... cut it out, stop pretending and if you cant do that, get a my space account, that's the place for folks like you....

Thursday, May 22, 2008


i was checking this guys website out the other day and i really liked this photo above... but its digital! its black and white, why not shoot film??? i try not to buy digital. color photos are one exception, or if i really like the image/artist/model etc... but why waste a great shot on digital??? photographers, please bring your film cameras to the job, when you capture that special moment on your "chimp camera" please remember to use your "real camera "to capture the moment again!!! sorry if its an insult to your art but i really would rather have a platinum or silver print on the wall... i know that this is becoming the preferred way to shoot these days and it gets the shots that are desired and manipulation is easier and lighting is easier and everything is easier... but it doesn't make it worth as much if everything is easier.. thank you... this has been a message from one concerned collector...
jacked here in the office today... every body wants my attention. I'm having to decide if I'm going to remove the transmission from our crane and deliver it to the repair shop myself or have another company do it. the difference is about four thousand dollars... four days of my life and two trips to beautiful gilroy... anybody wanna help out and remove a twelve hundred pound transmission with me??? it looks just like this one...
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
catch up!?!?
so the meet and greet as some one called it seems to have worked really fucking good! i see members of the voices in places I've never encountered them before (... umm...never mind) and i see some of the new comers like mark and Kylie checking people out. awesome. its going to take just a little bit to update my blog roll.
mark has a shit load of blogs to check out and is a quite the writer...kylie was worried that she wasn't as pretty as lela and that's why she didn't get an official welcome. not the case, being a twelve year old Asian boy with red hair myself, I'm not that pretty and don't discriminate at all. things just get overwhelming here at the voices. shit happens so fast....
I'm hoping you all understand. i try to keep it mixed up and sometimes find myself spending weeks just bitching about my day to day life. i don't know why you guys put up with that shit. but it does seem some of you have moved around and found more kindred spirits out there and I'm juiced by that. seeing Cher over on mj's, seeing suz there too! wtf? suz couldn't even look at my blog with out blinders on and now shes at mjs? wow! random chick is everywhere! love it. i had to stalk her for weeks before she even acknowledged my existed. bob sprung out of no where and now has his own new following. mark and Kylie and some of the other folks from suz's place came over when i had hit the ceiling of reality and had some very kind words and prayers. i believe more in angles than god but to each his own and they were indeed part of the good vibes flowing that day...
beast is everywhere and is enjoyed by many... Cecile pops in and out. she has her hands full with twins and graces my blog with her presence, thank you... Cher you wacky Canadian lass, you do have some sweet action! iksodas, if i had the money id fly you out to take some pics of cheese. she nervous about getting naked for strangers (we have friends who would love to take some professional shots, but no naked cheese.) i know im missing a lot of you who are very important and i dont mean too, i need to go and milk the blood from my finger...
all right and I'm getting weepy from all this as well, alls i have to say is you fuckers rock! with out my readers it would just be html script and lame photos i think are funny!!!
thanks again....
Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Within moments of exploding my fingertip between the concrete wall and the five ton jack yesterday afternoon i took some phone type photos... i wish it still looked this good, yeah someone needs to kick me in the shin with steel toed boots on so i can forget this particular pain.... i'll take some more pics tomorrow... right now it is the size of my thumb and throbs like bad techno beat...have a pleasant evening folks at home...
not a real post!

Monday, May 19, 2008
OH BOY....
i just got home from san francisco... we did the bay to breakers run/walk and spent sixteen hours drimking like a professional... ive taken the day off to sober up!!!
Friday, May 16, 2008

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Tuesday, May 13, 2008
everyone welcome bob!!!


Monday, May 12, 2008

Friday, May 09, 2008
the office phone rings.
office manager picks it up. (she has been on the phone all day back and forth with a mutual friend of ours. her best friend. her husband has been fired from his job this morning due to problems associated with his alcoholism. his third job in five years.)
"hello..." she shrieks and starts sobbing uncontrollably.
"oh, god, oh god... have you called 911?"lets out a scream of shear terror.
"I'm coming, I'm coming... okay? call 911!" she collapses in her chair and instantly springs back up.
"whats going on?" says the uber boss.
i jump up from my desk and grab our office manager and say lets go. that conversation to me meant one thing only...
"he's hung himself! oh my god, oh my god... i have to go, oh my god, what the...." her speech trails off and her legs almost give out from underneath her. "oh my god..." these are her very best of friends.
we walk out in each others arms and i help her to her car. we are a three minute drive from where we need to be.
"I'll take care of it, can you shut off my computer?" i say as i close the passenger door to the uber boss who is still standing in the office doorway.
"i cant close the office we have a meeting in ten minutes. i cant go with you! is that all right?" he replies with a cracked tone.
"everything will be handled, I'll call shortly." still in motion towards the other side of the lexus.
i jump in the car and she is wringing her hands and has entered the first stages of shock. seconds later we are turning onto the highway and the suv is being pushed to do things its never been asked to do before. i put my hand on her knee and say nothing...
"that coward! why would he do something like this. she was getting him help! he was supposed to leave tonight....she was helping him..." she trailed off and her anger turns to fear.
"oh my god, what is she going to do?!? oh my god, what is..." her eyes well up and she turns angry again.
"fucking coward, this isn't how its done.... she was going to get his job back....everything was going to work out!"
we turn into the park and blow the stop sign at the kiosk. two very unaware park aids don't even notice. we triple the allowed speed limit into the employees only area of the park. this is where there is housing for some of the parks staff. drive around the family enjoying their casual stroll and give them a polite but alarming series of honks.
left turn into the housing area and pull up behind the first ranger to get on the scene. she was just getting out of her patrol vehicle. we jump out of the car and start towrads the house. we hear a muffled shriek and our friend comes running out of the garage...
she was not screaming, not crying, just wide eyed and shaking... shaking like I've never seen anyone do before. this woman, our friend had lost the ability to control anything...
"oh god, oh god... what... oh god, i need, oh..." she repeated for over an hour... we made a series of quick phone calls and got some more of her friends on their way.
the ranger went in and out once... got on her radio and our volunteer fire dept. chief assistant, showed up. i believe these two woman cut him down. two more rangers came to the area and exhibited the worst of human behavior possible. I'll be writing a letter. but that's not the point.
as we were outside trying to "just be there" for the woman and get her back into the planetary world, they chief ranger walks past with the defibrillator machine...
"ladies, lets get into the house. we don't want to hear this."
"no, i don't want to go in... yes i, oh god... oh Jesus..."
"yes, ladies" i turn and nod the the woman who i drove here. "we will be going inside through the side door now."
she understands this means we are at least moving from ear shot of the machine.. as we go inside i hear the beginning of the automated instructions from the machine.
"place paddles on sides of chest area.... waiting, charging... when ready depress triggers..." in its most polite and calm auto-mechanical female voice...
once inside i found some cups in a glass fronted cabinet. my idea was to get her to focus on one thing, give her something to concentrate on, bring her back into the now, anything other then reliving the last moments. keep her moving forward.
another one of her friends arrived, the ranger denied her entry into the home. i saw this through the window and went out to bring her in.
"excuse me, we will be keeping this area clear!" the young blond ranger stated.
"that's great, we will be going inside now. thanks." i looked him straight in the eye and moved him back with out touching him...
"no you wont, this area is closed." he puts his hand out to stop our forward progress. another ranger walks up motioning his hand towards his bat belt.
"i just came out of the house and I'm bringing this woman in, WE ARE GOING INSIDE." i put my arm out to move him aside.
"this area is remain clear and you will not..."
i interrupt him.
"we are not going in the garage, we are going into the home and you will move."
the friend speaks through her tears and says... "we are going in to the house now get out of the way!" she is now losing it as well.
the officer who had his hand on his belt puts a hand on the other rangers shoulder and moves him out of the way.
he politely says, "yes, you may go into the residence."
"no shit? thanks."
"whats your name, whats your name? where do you live, i need your information..." i close the door behind us and fetch a third glass of water.....
in the short hours that i stuck around doing what i could, i went across the parking lot to a friends house and told them what was happening. its close quarters here and lots of people are like family. we made lots of phone calls and told some of the people who needed to be in the know. other folks were asking what was happening and about all i could muster was.... "they are having some family problems right now and the rangers are acting like dicks... i wouldn't try to bother them." the laws of three were not fulfilled like i had hoped. this was our second death this week and oddly enough they have the same first names.....
Thursday, May 08, 2008
oh.... and im wicked fucking hung over


Wednesday, May 07, 2008
two things...

and the other thing... do know how hard it is to come back to work after taking a long lunch involved with having "just one more beer"? well i had like three "one more beers" and now its just barely two o'clock and I'm not feeling the work groove any more... huh, wonder why?
the laws of three

anyways... all of this was in good fun. i was trying for a themed week of crass and sass, but the events that have happened make it really difficult to bounce around all cheerily queerly....
shit happens in threes. i think every one agrees. with the death of one of our community members here everyone seems to relate to "the laws of three".
"well shit, i wondered who was going to be the third, my buddy had a friend die and my great uncle passed away on Friday..." said a co-worker yesterday.
"yeah man, my grandmother died last week and my dads friend died this weekend. so Mr. Mike makes three... that's crazy." said a buddy who grew up with the man.
"yeah, freah's friend died and we had another friend die the week before, now this..." said a gal in the office this morning.
we had our two little chicks die yesterday, so that's our three.. we come home and the turkeys pen was quite rank. upon inspection they had broken open several of their spent eggs. they were disgustingly rotten. we emptied the coop and put in fresh litter, then noticed only one chic... the other had been squashed in between some of the other left over eggs... we pulled the one chic out and decided to keep it inside and under closer watch. instantly cheese noticed this chic was not doing so hot.
we warmed it and goaded to drink lots of fluids and to try and eat. put it in a warmed towel and checked on it later in the evening... it basically took its last breaths in our hands... i would say it died from a combination of bad parenting and bad husbandry... if the turkey hens would have kicked out the bunk eggs we could have collected them before they rotted. and if we would have been a bit more knowledgeable and attentive we would have cleaned the pens out earlier.... the results were that the rotten eggs were allowed to accumulate bugs and the bugs ate the chic alive in a matter of hours... hours.... very sad...
with life there is death, and with that, there is a curve for learning. learn how to live and prevent death for as long as possible.. learn to love life and appreciate the process of dieing, which is living...
must go to work now....
does anyone else believe in the "laws of three"?
oh and i read this article here this morning... seems to be pertinent to today's post... huh.
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
mountain pussy!!!
Monday, May 05, 2008
Just a minute to post... i blasted back down the coast once i had the parts in hand and fixed the 1968 gorman rupp water pump. while people were watching! i love that shit, when people are all standing around...
"you are never going to fix it..." was the first comment.
"i don't know why we don't buy a new pump?!?" someone said.
"why didn't you just get a new pump?" said another.
"how much would a new one cost? this is a waste of time!"
was the last comment i heard before i hit the remote start switch and spayed two of the three that were standing behind it with GALLONS of water!!!
"watch out! when this thing fires up its gonna spray some serious water!" i yelled over the twin cylinder air, cooled, straight pipe exhaust, Onan engine... heh heh.. doubt me, fuckers....
mechanic one, team "you cant do it" zero!!!
i'll be back
yeah bitches!!! another knock down drag out party on weekend for you to all be jealous over! not only did cheese say " i think this is the best dinner we have made yet!" but she also said "damn that thing is huge!" oh yeah i made that last one up but it feels good when i do hear something like that though, even if i say it to my self when using a public urinal and other men are around! got to drive to town this minute and pick up a set of points and a condenser! fucking stoked i figured out what the problem was! (thanks to Keith for the over the phone help) we got to go camping down on our point, with the neighbors, drank almost all the beer on the whole mountain, drove the girls around on the quad and spent some time in the garden! i think that the two turkey chicks might be the only ones we get... the hens are starting to push out the other eggs... (geese will do that to the bad ones, so i think turkeys do it too!) I'll try to come back later and have a good fucking day!!!
Friday, May 02, 2008
you wish you were me...
im looking forward to a productive weekend and will check back in later....
question for the weekend: what are you planning on doing for yourselves this next two days?